Day 59 07/21/21

Austin, NV to 10 miles west of Middlegate, NV 73miles, 13.3mph, 1701 ft elevation gain

The Final Countdown.
Today’s Miles. 73.79
Total Miles: 3395.38
Miles to Go: 385.64

A fast Nevada day. The smoke is getting thicker and the smell stronger. We got a few more miles in than planned before the heat kicked up. I have truly enjoyed the peace and tranquility of “The Loneliest Road in America”. I am soaking in every morsel of mountains and beauty my brain can possibly hold. I’m afraid the hustle and bustle of bigger cities awaits as I approach the coast.

We are back to Plan A to navigate around roads that are closed due to this fire. Our Plan B was to route me on slightly less traveled roads. Plan A is actually the plan put together by Adventure Cycling. I will get to enjoy some bike paths but joining back with Jocelynn is always tricky. Pray for smooth city travels please. A huge thank you to Kristy Massey for her incredible work on routing me and the leg work she is doing to keep me safe.

We drove forward 35 miles to Fallon to camp. We will drive back to camp here again tomorrow. There is a WalMart here. The first Walmart in Nevada we have seen so we restocked on our supplies.

I must say I am getting very excited to get to the coast. I am even more excited that Bill Walters and my momma are planning to fly to CA to watch me finish and then drive back across the country home with me.

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