Dilday Mill, MO to near Farlington, KS – 76mi, 11.8mph, +2121ft elevation gain
Outstanding 76.6 miles today. We are within 4 miles of Crawford State park and have a campsite on the lake. Kinda cool.
Question: Why are wind turbines placed geographically where they are? (Answer at the bottom)
I must say the folks of western MO and eastern KS have welcomed us with open arms and have been awesome cheerleaders.
Jocelynn reported that the truck temp read 101 degrees today. I had a great headwind and then cross wind that made the temp manageable. We increased my fluid intake. Jocelynn is so good at making sure I drink all of my liquids. I’m nursing some sun poisoning again. No trees is going to make this sun business rough.
I am in FLAT land. Look how little I climbed to
We met Polly who is eastbound. She started her journey in 2016 doing a 2 week ride each year. Her hubby retired this year and he was following her. She plans to finish this year. Her friend on her bike is Stanley. Fun lady.
Answer – Donita style anyways- because the WIND never stops blowing.